You, the petitioner

Remove Joseph Kiblansky's 'The Thinker' from Rembrandtsquare

13 signatures

We hereby call for the removal of Kiblansky's 'The Thinker' from our beloved Rembrandtsquare. The placement of this overbearing statue disrupts the openness of our square. We also do not agree with the installation of a monument to an accused abusive employer.



locals and workers of Rembrandtsquare frequenting the square daily


establish that:

  • signatories have been collectively perturbed by the installation of Kiblansky's 'The Thinker' since its arrival in July of 2023.
  • Its overbearing presence and resemblance to an astronaut on a toilet unites patrons and horeca workers from all corners of the square in discontentment.
  • Its mass and height disrupts the openness of this community space. Futhermore, the artist himself has been accused of providing abusive conditions to his employees.
  • The fountain beneath it was a lovely interactive feature of the summer for local and visiting children. We find the original fountain to be much more suitable to this community space.


and request

We request for the removal of the statue as soon as resources permit.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Peach Rizzo 

